New Beginnings

The first day as a Cap Corp Volunteer at Capuchin Youth and Family Ministries


Saying goodbye is hard.


But, new beginnings are exciting. Especially when you’ve only ever lived in your bedroom at home.


After 24 hours, things are starting to feel more complete. We now have keys to our home.


And then I was finally able to fully make my bed,


And eat cookie butter with pretzels,


And successfully go grocery shopping. We even came in under budget.


With some down time I was able to write a few good letters.


Overall my first day was good. We received a lot of information at work, and I’m still processing that. That’s okay though. I have all year to adapt, and get better with the way things work here. My room is mostly unpacked. It feels kind of empty, but that’s probably because it’s much bigger than my room at home. Tomorrow we have mass at the Red House and some more orientation. So, Jesus will officially be moving into our house (he couldn’t make it yesterday).

Lots of love and prayers,

A little more than a week to go.


A week from this upcoming Sunday, I move. And it’s strange, because I’ve been anticipating this since May. And now, it’s almost here. For those of you who don’t know, I start my year as a missionary with Capuchin Youth and Family Ministries on August 23rd.

In addition to realizing that this is actually happening, I’ve realized that I kind of, sort of, stopped writing once I graduated. And, yes, I probably needed a break. But I don’t ever want to fall out of practice, or forget the love for writing that grew over my four years at Hofstra. So, today, while I was picking out which books I’m going to bring to CYFM, i came across some old favorites..


Along with a few gifts that I haven’t read yet, my journals, and books I thought would be useful in mission work, books on writing, revising, editing, Poetry, and Geoffrey Chaucer made their way into my box. After all, what High Schooler isn’t going to be enthralled with poems by Chaucer in their original text?!
(please note my sarcasm) (not pictured: “The Elements of Style,” “Station Island,” and “The Wasteland”)

In all seriousness, I hope that God helps me to rediscover my love for these things over the next year, especially writing. I never want to lose that excitement that I had sophomore and junior year of college. I hope that he uses that love to reach the people we’ll be serving. There was a time, not too long ago, that writing was how He was going to use me. I assumed, I was wrong. Life is funny.

Either way, here I am, hoping that this year will help me to better see how He wants to use me and my gifts. *One Week*

With Love,

Savoring Summer, Yearning for Fall


I heard this phrase the other day, “Savoring Summer, Yearning for fall” when someone was describing August. For me, this sums up August perfectly. In the next couple of weeks, I will be packing, ordering books with my cash back, and savoring summer.

In just two weeks I will move into “The Red House” and begin orientation for my year with CYFM. I’m excited. I’m excited to get to know my housemates, those whom I’ll be serving with. I’m excited to live in the Hudson Valley, and experience a part of New York that isn’t the City or Long Island.

Part of me longs for sweaters and boots, for blue-green evenings, crisp mornings, and hot tea.

And then part of me wants these two weeks to last forever.

365 Days of Love Notes, Week 52

Sunday July 26, 2015


Monday July 27, 2015

Work and Paul Simon on the radio and dinner with Brittany


Tuesday July 28, 2015

Work and some relaxation

Wednesday July 29, 2015

Work, and some research

Thursday July 30, 2015

Work, and a new obsession with a hair cut. What do you think?

Friday July 31, 2015

Work, and some delicious pizza.

Saturday August 1, 2015

The Jersey Shore for the weekend. Lots of sun 🙂

Find more Love Notes at Story of a Rose